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Costa Teguise Beaches May Finally Get Sunbeds

Teguise council is investing over 300,000 euros a year by contracting a company to provide sunbeds, umbrellas and other furniture on the beaches of Costa Teguise. Nine offers were assessed by oficials and selection has been made and contacted which will contact an...

New Hydrofoil Windsurfing In Costa Teguise

Best described as a hydrofoil tire is revolutionizing windsurfing and seems to be beneficial to practicing the sport. Las Cucharas beach, in Costa Teguise is know to have the best conditions in Europe for windsurfing and attracts some twenty of the best windsurfers of...

New Beach In Costa Teguise

The Canary Islands Demarcation of Coasts has released an information file for a commercial company Tourin Europeo S.A.The company has asked to create an artificial beach in the north of Costa Teguise. This will be a project for the chain of hotels Gloria Palace. They...