The iconic National Park of Timanfaya finaly re opened on Monday after having to close its doors for the pandemic, this includes the visitor and interpretation centre in Mancha Blanca. The doors are now open between 09.00hrs and 16.00hrs and the centre has taken into consideration the health guidelines around the park and guided tours by incorporated the protocol and the sanitary measures recommended by the Ministry of Health to offer a safe visit including the mandatory use of a mask.
For visits to the center by groups, both tourists and schoolchildren or associations, a maximum capacity of 200 people has been established and audiovisual programs have been reduced to twice a day, at 11:30 and 13:30. Additionally, there will be eruption simulations every half hour.
Groups that are interested will have to make a previous reservation online at the National Parks reservation center (, specifying date and time.
Informative material, including brochures and maps, can be downloaded free of charge through the page of the Network of National Parks of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.