The first phase to ease restrictions on the lock down in Lanzarote began on Saturday. Guidelines were put in place allowing the public to exercise at different times of the day allowing different age groups out at different times.Unlike many European countries Spain has very strict restrictions with regard to exercise allowing 1 hour in the area that you live and you can only walk or run a distance of 1 kilometer from your home. Needless to say after weeks confined to the house, everyone took to the streets to enjoy the sunshine. The government are being very cautious and hopefully on 11th May people will be able to meet again in groups less than 10 and cafe bars will be able to open their terraces with restrictions in place that support social distancing.there have been no new cases of coronavirus in Lanzarote in the past 8 days and the number of current cases has gone down to 16 active cases

lanzarote lock down phase 1