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A direct flight from China has landed in the Canary islands for the first time. The plane took off from Shanghai making a journey of more than 10,500 kilometers to eventually land in Gran canaria Saturday morning loaded with 18000 kilos of supplies to fight against the CoronaVirus. Amongst the supplies were 100,000 swabs for diagnostic tests against the disease. The shipment is expected to help with the final phase of control of Covid 19 on the islands. The delivery also included 36,000 items of personal protective equipment for health personnel including 10,000 gowns, 20,000 protection screens, 150,000 FPP2 masks, 50,000 diagnostic tests and 150,000 surgical masks. The delivery is in addition to other materials received previously which include 2,626,000 surgical masks, 58,200 diagnostic kits, 7,500 protective screens, 4,000 protective glasses, 505,000 nitrile gloves, 81,620 FFP2 masks, 26,200 plastic surgical gowns, and 1,700 overalls. Also 28 respirators for patients affected by COVID-19 and 1,750 swabs for the collection of samples for the performance of diagnostic PCRs that have been arriving in successive shipments during the last weeks.