It’s no wonder with the clear blue skies and the February sun beating down on the island that the Irish travel Industry have awarded Lanzarote as the best winter destination for the 15th year running. Lanzarote is by far the preferred island of the Canary Islands for Irish tourism with one in two travelers from Ireland visiting the Canaries chooses Lanzarote. Echedey Eugenio, the Islands Tourism Advisor has expressed his thanks and gratitude to Irish tourists for their support commenting that it is remarkable as the Ireland only has a population of 5 million. 495,000 Irish tourists booked a winter holiday in the Canary islands last year between January and November and almost 250,000 of those booked came to Lanzarote. This is a 9.7% increase for the same period last year, which places Ireland in third place after the United Kingdom and Germany.