The State Meteorological Agency known as Aemet combined with other sources have advised that Lanzarote is set for a heatwave today (30/09/19) and tomorrow. The temperatures are expected to reach up to 36 degrees. The hottest parts of the island will be the south coast and central areas. Some light relief can be found in the north of the island where a moderate wind is expected. As the day unfolds this will change to a light wind engulfing this part of the island in the higher than usual temperatures. Its great weather for the sun seekers although some may find too hot! Its important to keep well hydrated and drink plenty of water during this period and make sure there is a shaded area nearby if you are planning to go out. As a precaution the Directorate General of Security and Emergencies of the Government of the Canary Islands has declared the situation of pre-alert as reported by the Consortium of Security, Emergencies, Rescue, Prevention and Firefighting of Lanzarote. The good news is that the temperatures on the island are pretty steady throughout the year and heatwaves do not usually last for long periods. During the summer months when mainland Spain is enduring these temperatures every day the islands are comfortably cooler helped along by the wind