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Selection boxes and tins of Quality Street are not on the shopping lists of the locals in Lanzarote. Instead you will find the supermarkets full of nougat and turron. Turron is the the most traditional Spanish sweet of Arabic origin. It was invented over 500 years ago in a town called Jijona, a small town north of Alicante. There are two traditional, basic types of turrón: soft Jijona or turrón blando, which is so smooth it has the consistency of peanut butter, and hard Alicante or turrón duro, which is like a thick almond nougat candy, similar to the texture of peanut brittle. Heres how to make it.

  1. Pour the honey into a saucepan and warm over medium-low heat to 140 degrees F (60 degrees C). Stir the almonds into the warm honey and remove from heat. …
  2. Line a dish with parchment paper. Pour the mixture onto the parchment paper and smooth to a 1/2-inch layer. …
  3. Allow the turron to dry for 3 days.