There is news that some of the streets in Teguise market will have stalls again after the pandemic restricted the Sunday event to the square only. The plans are to open up 2 of the main streets in the village creating an ¨L¨shape. Not only will this bring back some of the special market atmosphere but will also help the long suffering shops along the route. One of the shops on route definately worth a visit is Estilo. It is packed with unusual gifts, jewelry, handbags and landies clothes. There are some unique items for men and women looking for something different. The displays draw you in and you will be sure to spend some time looking around. This little Aladins cave is situated on Calle Herrera in the village. For more information on some of the offers please see their Facebook page. Its well worth the visit if you are looking for something special. Open some week days if you are passing through the old island capital.