If you are hiring a car in Lanzarote you will probably be having to factor in the rising fuel costs which are happening worldwide. Although fuel is considerably cheaper on the islands than the UK there have been some pretty steep rises in prices over the past months. The price hike will affect quite a few businesses in the tourism sector, especially taxi drivers and airport transfer services. The Spanish government have reconised that this will be a problem and are discounting the cost of fuel by 20 cents per litre when paying at the service station. Some service stations on the island have already begun to collect the advances corresponding to the subsidy of 20 cents per liter approved by the central government. Between Tuesday and Wednesday, gas stations such as the BP in Arrecife, the A800-02 in Mácher or the Disa Taxiistas de Maneje have received the promised advance through a transfer. This is a subsidy that aims to alleviate the constant increases in fuel prices for consumers. The government refund has caused some problems with regards to gas stations reclaiming the discount due to computer issues. Small gas stations have been the most affected by this measure, as they often do not have enough liquidity to advance the money, which is why some even chose to close. In the case of Lanzarote, the Hermanos de León Cabrera gas station in Haría closed its pumps last Friday, keeping only the supermarket open. Hoepfully the administration of the discounts will be sorted out quickly to ensure that the gas stations can manage to stay open during this difficult time